Mazanti-Andersen, Denmark


Practice areas

Mazanti-Andersen is a modern law firm. All the lawyers are highly qualified and specialized within the different areas of the firms practice. It is the object of the firm to provide professional services of a quality that the business community expects form an efficient law firm with an international practice.

It is a tradition in the firm that the lawyers, at universities in Denmark and abroad, presently are or previously have been teaching law students and others in different areas of corporate and commercial law.

It is a natural consequence thereof that the firm in order to secure updated adequate legal expertice at all times pays specific attention to the fact that all ist lawyers, on a current basis,participate in an extensive legal training program within specific areas of law


Lise Høgh
Amaliegade 10
1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark

t: 00 45 33 14 35 36
f: 00 45 33 19 37 37


Membership: Mazanti-Andersen is a member of a wide range of legal associations and legal networks, covering international networks of business orientated law firms in Europe, Africa, North and South America, Asia and Australia.